New coronavirus
COVID 19 - partial opening of the office
In this particular context, our office has put in place a whole series of measures that enable us to guarantee you a restricted, efficient service in order to respond to your requests within a suitable time frame.
Our main concern is to protect the health of our clients, partners and collaborators against this virus, which is why we have restricted all our movements to a minimum and impose strict compliance with the safety and hygiene instructions issued by the FOPH.
> a presence in our offices is ensured to answer the telephone during normal opening hours.
> our collaborators (most of whom work from home) will answer your e-mails within a reasonable time.
> we continue to carry out urgent controls and measures related to our profession (stability controls of structures, etc.)
> we remain available to intervene under certain conditions, guaranteeing strict compliance with the safety and hygiene instructions issued by the FOPH, according to your requirements.
As the situation is evolving very rapidly, these measures are likely to change as well.
We thank you for your understanding, and in these difficult times, let us continue to work together.
If you have any questions, we can still be contacted by telephone at 022.566.01.01 or by e-mail :
Christian Haller Frédéric Wasser Gaëtan Martin